This study had three primary goals. The first was to examine the data systems administered by OEC and to combine the relevant data assets from these systems to create the first comprehensive set of data on ECE professionals in Colorado. The second goal was to produce de-identified, publicly-available data on the ECE workforce in the form of an interactive data dashboard to answer high-priority questions being asked by policy and program leaders as well as stakeholders in the community. The data dashboard will be hosted by OEC beginning summer 2020 and is expected to be updated at regular intervals by the OEC team using the methodology produced through this study. The final goal of the study was to complete this snapshot report on the ECE workforce that highlights key findings from the data. The primary questions addressed in this snapshot report include: Who are the ECE professionals serving Colorado’s young children?
What are the education and professional profiles of ECE professionals?
How much growth, persistence, and turnover occurs in the ECE professional field?
Published Date: June 2020
Published By: University of Denver, Colorado Action and Evaluation Lab